Book Fair

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Come join us for our Fall Book Fair!  
October 5th - 8th, 2009
Community Montessori MAC


All Aboard!  You're invited to enjoy an exciting trip around the world at our Scholastic Destination Book Fair!  Come enjoy a book and learn about a new destination.

Top 10 Reasons I’m Excited About Destination Book Fair!

10. Families shop together in a fun-filled, safe environment.

9. Scholastic delivers hundreds of quality books, suitable for every interest and reading level, right to our school.

8. We offer exclusive editions of popular books at special low prices.

7. Book Fair profits allow us to improve our studios & media room.

6. Our community gains an opportunity to be involved in our school and discover how great our students are.

5. I enjoy getting kids to associate reading with fun, not just homework.

4. The décor, contests, activities, and even the refreshments remind me of how much creativity surrounds me.

3. The faculty and staff get to chat with parents and grandparents in a relaxed atmosphere.

2. The Book Fair is a great way for families to connect by reading together and sharing a love of books.

AND finally…

1. I have the perfect excuse to practice that dance I learned in another country!

I hope you join us in our celebration of Destination Book Fair! Showing your child that reading really matters is one of the best examples you can possibly set.

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